This is a description of a series of artworks by the Buddhist monk and illustrator Gaku Nakagawa. The latest installment in the series is a sequel to the popular work "Nihon Mandala," set in Mount Koya, with the theme of faith in eastern Japan. The artwork features various motifs, including Mount Fuji worship, the Shugendo of the Dewa Sanzan, and the miraculous Ipponmatsu pine associated with Yatagarasu, all depicted in a single mandala.
When "Nihon Mandala" and its sequel "Zoku Nihon Mandala" are placed side by side, they together represent the complete form of the dragon god of the great sea.
Gaku Nakagawa is not only an illustrator but also a chief priest at Jodo Shu Seizan Zenrin-ji Temple in Kyoto. He is a member of the illustration group "Shichinin no Fudezamurai," which is active mainly in the Kansai region. One of his notable works is the best-selling book "The Speech of the World's Poorest President," which has sold over 160,000 copies.
The product features high-quality printing using digital technology, with a special process called "Scodix" applied. This process involves layering metallic foil and transparent resin along the pattern, creating a three-dimensional sculptural effect reminiscent of metal engraving.
Additionally, silver profiling edge gilding (the border around the illustration) adds depth and luxury to the artwork. The product includes a supervision seal with Gaku Nakagawa's signature on the back.