The art unit "Hotokeya Sakai," created by the Buddhist sculptor Goh Sakai and his wife, has gained tremendous acclaim for their series of Buddha figures in the form of cats, known as the "Neko Butsu" series. The charming yet dignified craftsmanship has garnered popularity both domestically and internationally. Each sculpture, from carving to coloring, is meticulously crafted by hand, leading to a constant shortage of supply as the production struggles to keep up.
In response to this, a new series, "Nyanbuddha (Cat Buddha)," has been developed to ensure that customers can always find what they seek. The master sculptor Goh Sakai created the prototype, and production was entrusted to a top-notch wood carving studio, allowing for the realization of affordable prices and a stable supply while maintaining the original quality. This enchanting series, which brings healing to the heart and naturally evokes smiles, has now been born.
People are assigned their Chinese zodiac sign based on their year of birth. Each zodiac sign is associated with a specific guardian Buddha. Throughout history, it has been believed that having something related to one's zodiac sign in one's surroundings or possession can serve as a protective charm for good luck and warding off misfortune. One of the most representative items for this purpose is the guardian Buddha associated with the Chinese zodiac sign.
The guardian Buddha for each Chinese zodiac sign has now taken the form of an adorable cat Buddha. It is recommended as a personal protective charm or as a charm for beloved cats.
A magnificent deity who dispels people's suffering with great wisdom.